Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fuse Fabric Deployment - Camel Bundle Deploy into Fabric

This time in break time finally I can write my first blog, something that I want to but just now I can realized. Now, I will share information about the way to deploy camel project bundle in Fuse Fabric, the step such following:

Start JBoss Fuse server, go to Shell tab and create fabric as following :
  • fabric:create --wait-for-provisioning 
Hint: if JBoss Fuse server not installed yet on the local computer, please refer here for detail instructions.

Go to http://servername:8181 from browser, and login inside.
Hint: by default the credential refer to /etc/ file

Choose Fabric perspective

Create profile
  • Go to Wiki tab
  • Click Create button

  • Choose Fabric8 Profile and fill up Name

  • Click Create button when finish.

Configure profile
  • Add Artifacts, fill in the maven bundle in Add textbox under Deployments part i.e mvn:org.sample.fuse/esb-fabric/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Click +
  • Add parents under Parents
  • Final profile result as following

Go To Container Tab
  • Create container
  • Choose profile i.e sample-1.0
  • Start the container, then wait until provision status success started, refer to image below

When the container success started, please test you camel program. The result in log tab as following

Update: source code link

Reference link:

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